First Day of School
Tyler has started 5th grade. Here, that means middle school! As long planned, he is now being home schooled. This was a decision Robert and I made very early on in our children's schooling career and the time (middle school age) has finally come. I've had years to prepare and am pleased that so far my preparations have all worked out well. I have the support of the people whose opinions matter most to me and that is a huge encouragement. I realize that, as a friend put it, this is "a road less traveled". But like the poem concludes, I hope this makes all the difference. Tyler is loving it. He's such a great kid.
Our sweet Peyton would be starting 4th grade. His picture would have been of him with a blue shirt and manatee necklace. He would have come home telling me the funny things his friends did and said. I would have seen little doodles of superheroes and manatees on his homework papers. His backpack would have held library books on penguins and polar bears. I'd have one more lunch to pack, one more folder to go through, and one more kiss to give each morning before drop off.
In cleaning out the glove compartment in my van, I came across the bright yellow paper in the plastic sheet protector that I used for pickup in the car line the year we moved here. One side says "Tyler Ricker". The other side says "Peyton Ricker" (Peyt was in kindergarten so I picked him up an hour before Tyler). That sign now hangs taped to my windshield with a new yellow sign facing out for Trey and Bailey. On the back side, "Peyton Ricker". It's nice having little reminders.
Sweet Reminders
I often find him in our library looking through his Peyton book. This particular day he took it with him into my room and this is how I found him.