
Child Labor

This chore chart of ours has come up more and more so for anyone who stumbles across it via random blogs and facebook pages and wants to know the hows and whys of it all, here it goes...

We needed a way for our kids (between the ages of 1 and 9) to earn a little extra money (past nickel noodles. I'll fill you in on that next).

They do chores around the house because, quite frankly, we let them live here. Those are non-negotiable and are done whenever they need to be. They include stuff like taking out trash, dishes, laundry and vacuuming. They are NOT paid for those.

If they so choose, our kids can volunteer for extra chores that we are willing to pay them for doing. They are things that I normally get around to doing if I get a chance but that aren't tragic if they go a few weeks between getting done.

Here's the chart:

Each pocket has a label with the job title, a picture (for my non-reader), and the amount we'll pay.
In each pocket there's a clipped badge with the job title and picture on the front and the job requirements on the back. Then there is no question of expectations. The kids can clip it to themselves and follow the steps on the back.
The bottom pocket on the chart holds colored index cards. Each kid has their own color. They place their color card in the pocket(s) of the jobs they are committing to do.

Some of the jobs require two people (like washing the van) so their tags are orange and there are two van washing pockets.

Individual jobs have red tags.

Only one index card can be in a job pocket. I only need one kid to wash the back door so there is only one pocket for back door washing.

Because I can have multiple weed pullers, there are four separate pockets for weed pulling.

Get it?

It works for us and fulfills our need to teach required work, optional work, and all the principles of money management.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I've been wanting to copy yours forever. You're awesome.

  2. Love it! I also love the nickel noodles...super genius!
